Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rainy Day Stuff

It's raining pretty hard right now. We're trapped in the house. Well, I'm trapped in the house, with Simon. We ain't goin' nowhere.

Michael has managed to escape. He's off to, among other things, check out some beanbags for possible future purchase. While we're in the market for only one beanbag, you've got to check out a lot before you find Mr. or Mrs. Right. The beanbag deficit is the one thing holding this house back from being Party Central.

This is what I'm spending my day doing:

funnyƂ pictures
moar funny pictures

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Bad cat. Simon slept in the papasan last night, so this evening Morty has decided to get there first and claim it for himself.

I just found myself thinking that the calories in spaghetti don't count if I eat it raw.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Just Killing Time

Simon sleeps in his swing (alliteration not planned) and I wait for him to wake up and start crying. So far his nap has lasted 2 1/2 hours. Fantastic! I've made several furtive peeks to make sure he's still breathing, and so far so good. It's been almost four hours since he ate--possibly a first for him in the daytime. I'm sure he'll wake up soon.

Not ten seconds after I wrote that last sentence... he woke up. He's eating now. Ahh, the evening can continue. Perhaps I may be able to put him down again sometime soon.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How Lame!

That's right. You heard me.