Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rainy Day Stuff

It's raining pretty hard right now. We're trapped in the house. Well, I'm trapped in the house, with Simon. We ain't goin' nowhere.

Michael has managed to escape. He's off to, among other things, check out some beanbags for possible future purchase. While we're in the market for only one beanbag, you've got to check out a lot before you find Mr. or Mrs. Right. The beanbag deficit is the one thing holding this house back from being Party Central.

This is what I'm spending my day doing:

funnyƂ pictures
moar funny pictures

1 comment:

Street Rat said...

If I didn't know Michael I would think that was the bullshitiest excuse ever. "Yeah, I'm um...going check some um.........Beanbags. Yeah Beanbags." Gotta love men...or do we?