Saturday, April 26, 2008


So I'm waiting for Simon to wake up screaming. 'Cause that's what he does. When we put him down for the night, he usually wakes up about 45 minutes later. We have to settle him down again, and sometimes we have to do this a couple times over the next hour before the sleep sticks. He's now been asleep for 30 minutes. I'm so on edge. I can barely stand this.

We've been sleep training Simon for two weeks now. Not that you'd know. He still wakes up about 4 - 5 times a night. We still have to rock him for a long time before he gives in to sleep. He still won't nap longer than 35 minutes (except for his morning nap when he'll nap for about an hour). But this is actually a little better than it used to be. Simon used to spend all night attached to my breast. This is not an exaggeration. He would sometimes let me take my nipple out of his mouth for maybe as long as an hour during the night, but the rest of the time, his mouth was firmly clamped on to me.

Wonderful--he woke up at 10:40, and it's now 11:28 and he's still awake. He's still screaming at the top of his lungs. I was rocking him like I usually do, and his whimpering escalated to crying and then to all-out screaming. I can't comfort him. I've finally put him down in is crib because I can't take it anymore. It's not like holding him was helping anyway. I keep trying, though. Every few minutes I go and pick him up, but he screams away. My life has become a nightmare.

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