Thursday, October 2, 2008

I Don't Like Sarah Palin

That exaggerated folksiness is really annoying. And how many times can she tell us what a "consummate maverick" John McCain is? Does anyone buy that? She's like some creepy saleswoman trying to push her product, forever touting its "maverickness" with a maniacal smile. If she were speaking to me in person, I'd be desperately thinking of a way to flee. I'm not impressed. It's not enough to endlessly repeat this "maverick" bullshit. It's reality that matters more.

And why does she pronounce it "nuc-you-ler"? Dear God!


Giggly said...

I Agree!! Blecchh!

Street Rat said...

She's more spokesperson than VP candidate.

B is for Boring said...

She makes me think of little house on the prairie... with an up-do and frameless glasses...