Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Senator McCain Wants You To Know...

that he knows things. Last night's boring debate mainly served to show me how many times McCain says he KNOWS how to do something or KNOWS what it's like to experience something. Here is the rundown:

* "And we've got to give some trust and confidence back to America. I know how to do that, my friends."

* "But I know how to get America working again, restore our economy and take care of working Americans."

* "And I've been supporting those and I know how to fix this economy, and eliminate our dependence on foreign oil, and stop sending $700 billion a year overseas."

* "We're going to have to sit down across the table, Republican and Democrat, as we did in 1983 between Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill. I know how to do that."

* "I know that we can reprocess the spent nuclear fuel. The Japanese, the British, the French do it. And we can do it, too."

* "So you have to temper your decisions with the ability to beneficially affect the situation and realize you're sending America's most precious asset, American blood, into harm's way. And, again, I know those situations."

* "But the point is that I know how to handle these crises. And Senator Obama, by saying that he would attack Pakistan, look at the context of his words. I'll get Osama bin Laden, my friends. I'll get him. I know how to get him. I'll get him no matter what and I know how to do it."

* "I know what it's like in dark times. I know what it's like to have to fight to keep one's hope going through difficult times. I know what it's like to rely on others for support and courage and love in tough times. I know what it's like to have your comrades reach out to you and your neighbors and your fellow citizens and pick you up and put you back in the fight."

In contrast, here is the one time Obama said that he KNOWS something: "But here's what I do know: I know that I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the fact that this country gave me opportunity."

That's pretty much what I took away from the debate. It was mostly the same old thing, with the same old talking points.


B is for Boring said...

McCain scares me... he is very old and walks very poorly...

julia said...

That's an interesting criticism. I thought the same thing while watching the 2nd debate. He's stiff and seems brittle.

Street Rat said...

I was hypnotized by his lack of neck and inability to move his head independent of his body. Also, it was really weird that he kept roaming around the stage. Disconcerting. Admittedly I'm in the tank for Obama, but I didn't mind McCain in 2000. This "new" McCain disgusts me.