Monday, March 30, 2009

The List of Words

This is really something only a mother cares about, but I'm that mother and tant pis pour toi!

Words Simon says (well, all I can remember right now):

bath, duck, dog, no, down, up, on, nose, ball, book, cat, key, man, boy, girl, baby, bye-bye, mommy, daddy, egg, pear, belt, clock, car, shoe, fan, music, milk, breast, knee, toe, towel, bra, train, mole, eye, mouse, water, bean, bread, more, pen, papa, nonna, Esthela, John, pillow, grandma, can, spoon, bowl, boat, boom, cookie, arm, comb, bunny, funny, pig, dart, goal, go, gummy, apple, juice, blanket, night-night, Rose, Kanga, Roo, Pooh, Mickey, Minnie, Thomas, Nemo, Po, Laa-Laa, Dipsy, Tinky Winky, Noo-Noo, Jackie, Ron, Simon, Elmo, bubble, Spot, Ollie, turtle, shirt, cup, broccoli, Gonzo, macaroni, monkey, yoyo, fish, vacuum, camera, grass, bluebell, booboo, light, phone, Hector, ravioli, yummy, ant, tummy, chest, pan (Spanish for "bread"), pasa (Spanish for "raisin"), yay, whee, door, Amy, banana, hello, cow

I know there are some more, but it's hard to think of them.


Street Rat said...

Awesome! What about A and Princess Karen?

Giggly said...

Those are great words!