Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Simon's doctor is obsessed with gas/colic. Why doesn't he sleep well? Why does he need my nipple in his mouth to sleep? Why does he scream? Have I considered gas?
  • I should keep a log of the foods I eat to watch for things that may be irritating Simon's tummy.
  • I should try mylicon drops.
  • I should try putting his infant seat on the dryer while its in use.
  • I should try taking him for a ride in the car.
And so on and so on. Not helpful. I don't think gas is the problem, but that's all the doctor's got.


Giggly said...

We got the same diagnosis for both Max and Molly (I also tried cutting out most foods from my diet, car drives, etc....) From the research we've done, it seems like "Colic" is a catch all term for unexplained fussiness, extreme sensitivity, or general overstimulation. I really liked this article on colic,
New Yorker "Crybabies" - Google Search

Giggly said...
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Giggly said...

Actually just Google search
New Yorker "Crybabies" (The fourth one down)

julia said...

I'll check that out.