In just this last week my sweet little Simon has become a little wiggle monster. He can't stop moving. He's starting to creep when we put him down. He spins around and rolls and grabs everything he can reach. Nothing and no one is safe. When I pick him up, he swivels around to check out what's going on behind him. When I put him down on his changing table, the first thing he does is roll over and start playing with the back railing. It's getting really hard to change his diaper, and I have to use the safety belt when I take a few steps away, lest he plunge to his doom in a fit of squirming. And he's constantly babbling. His current favorite sound is "dah." He talks all day, and last night when I put him back down after his 2 a.m. feeding, he kept himself up for about ten minutes just talking away.
My main function these days is carrying out Operation Fatten Up Simon, and my job has gotten so much harder. He's burning more calories than ever, and he is so busy interacting with the world it's hard to get his attention when I'm feeding him. He loves to eat, but he loves to move more I guess. It's sometimes hard to get him to stop talking long enough to take a bite. I take my opportunities when I see them, so I try shoving spoonfuls in whenever his mouth is open. This often backfires, as he likes to talk with the mouthful and spit it out in the process. When I breastfeed him, he takes frequent (every 5 seconds sometimes) breaks to twist his head around and see what's going on. This results in sprayed milk, which is why I sometimes call him Milk Face. Annoying.
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