Friday, June 6, 2008

Random Odd Crap In My Purse

* Gift summary from my 2nd baby shower (yes, from October)

* Three sample packs of Pledge Multi Surface wipes ("This wipe cleans it all!")

* A receipt from the Kaiser pharmacy for Orajel, from April 22. And Simon's still not teething.

* A note from 9/7/07 that says "Good last name: Thogmartin"

* A tampon. Odd because I haven't needed one for well over a year now.

* A note quoting Laura from 5/19/05 that says "Grr... Last-minute transsexuals."

* An appointment card from my OB/Gyn dated 7/13/07.

* A note with an idea about making yarn (with a spinning wheel) in fast food shades, like "MacDonalds Yarn," and "Taco Bell Yarn."

* A note quoting Michael from 9/13/07: "The future's so hot I gotta wear shorts."

And I'm not taking any of these things out of my purse. They must all stay there and keep me company on trips away from home.

1 comment:

Giggly said...

Good things to have in your purse :)