Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Book Review

In response to my sister's rave reviews, I determined that the next book I read would be a T. Jefferson Parker mystery. I quickly contacted Amazon and told them to send me California Girl. I didn't realize that my parents have the book in their vast mystery library, but I can spend $7.99 on a book, right? Amazon was swift in getting the paperback to my front door. This all went down a week ago. I was all set.

The cover art is pretty good, with a girl's (I think) body either floating in water or running in the park. I can't really tell. There's a blurb on the front from the Wall Street Journal that says, "A gripping, atmospheric saga... an unforgettable book." High praise!

On the inside back cover there's a photo of Mr. Parker looking kinda early 1990's style. All in all, he looks like someone who could write an interesting book.

Okay... I haven't read it yet. Not a word of it. I actually haven't even read the entire description on the back cover. I haven't had time to read lately. That's astonishing, as I was reading a book every one-to-two days only a few months ago. I just have lots of stuff to do. There's Simon and my job (I manage to work part-time from my pc at home), and Summer Theater is starting next Monday, and I have been working on script and music issues. The most I can do with California Girl is look at it. Soon, though, I should be able to squeeze the first chapter in.

I have read the last line of the back cover description. Here it is: "And no one will emerge from the wreckage unscathed." Not too shabby.